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Venue Managers
Managing Your Venues
We know not all venues are built the same. Some are just empty houses with little service or value to its producers beyond a few square feet of space and some seats. But that’s not you; you care about your clients and your community and want to provide them with the most value you can; but how do this effectively without breaking your already strained budget…
Stagey has your back on the tech stuff. With our platform, you can create your own suite of technology services to your customers to help them succeed. More successful clients leads to a healthier ecosystem that will grow your own success.
Imagine hosting your own, branded ticketing site that includes powerful tools to manage your clients, sell tickets and advertising, and create a platform to give resources to your producers to reach new audiences.
Manage Applications & Deals
Create a portal for potential renters to learn all about your performances spaces on offer. Track all the details about the services you provide and give search and filtering tools to help producers learn more.
Then with a click of a button, a prospect can apply to your space to learn more. And with a few more clicks, you can craft a detailed proposal with pricing, performances times and contract details. And those performances? Once your clients are ready to go, they automatically become landing pages to help you and your clients market all the happenings at your venue.
It’s a fully integrated experience that will set you apart and provide value to your customers.
Empower your Producers & Renters
Why do all the work yourself? With our multiple tiers of empowerment, you can give your producers the keys to manage and promote their own shows. Their success is your success, after all.
For example, you can schedule the performances , then enable your producers to manage pricing, discounts, show information, cast and crew and more.
Money coming in from ticket sales can go directly to your producers, split between parties or or kept by the venue. You can even keep the service fees on tickets as an additional stream of income.
Sell Tickets
The great venues manage their own ticketing as a service to its producers. Stagey makes that easy and fun.
Manage pricing for each performance and create discount codes, price levels, comps and more to attract patrons. Keep 100% of the proceeds plus any additional service fees you’d like to apply.
Schedules & Performances
With performances and renters coming from all directions it can be challenging to manage all the details and ensure you don’t double book. A universal schedule provides insight on the “where and when” of performances you book.
Stagey provides tools to manage the schedules at each of your spaces and ensure that no conflicts sneak in. You can easily run reports on which shows are booked at which spaces at which times.
And then you can publicly present all the events happening at your venue.
Run Reports
Stagey includes a suite of reports to provide you with the intelligence you need to make key decisions. Some examples:
- Unique landing pages for each show and performance so you can keep all that information in one place and reference it at a glance
- Downloadable reports with special tools to track who attended what performance, show or event
- Show, Performance and Company-wide Metrics to track tickets sold, performances produced, revenue earned and business insights on who attended what.
- Pie charts, Line charts, graphs and tables that provide a visual dashboard that can drive decision making.
© 2022, Stagey, LLC