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Shows & Schedules
create public pages to market and manage your shows
Managing Shows
Each show has a public landing page that contains all the data that pertains to the production. This might include title, company, the production team, website text, category, age restriction and more.
From this landing page, patrons can buy tickets from any public performances, access reviews, read press releases and browse and pictures or videos posted to the show.
Optionally, administrative control can be provided to the production teams to add performances, adjust pricing, manage discounts, post press releases, download patron data and run reports.
Performance Management
Performances are added at a specific performance space, date and time and made available for ticket sales to the public.
All tickets sold to a performance are added to a Will Call report along with helpful information like quantity, price paid, industry/press status and accessibility requirements.
At any time, you can message patrons from a performance through the site with updates, news and instructions.
Complimentary tickets can be created on a performance and an invite will be sent to the patron via email.
Virtual Performances
For those performances streamed from a venue or elsewhere in the world, Stagey provides the infrastructure to create a “pay wall” between your Stagey site and your streaming site (YouTube, StreamYard, Vimeo, Zoom, etc).
When it’s time for the stream, patrons will receive an email with the streaming link and enter a waiting room until the performance begins. At the start time, patrons will be redirected to the location of the stream.
Show Media
Images and Videos can be added to shows to provide patrons with a taste of what they are about to experience. Stagey supports all major web image types and videos posted on Vimeo and YouTube.
Production Teams
The landing page has a section dedicated to the team responsible for the production; this might include actors, designers, directors, producers and technicians.
Administrators can invite users of the site to join the show in a given role and provide administrator privileges to those who should be able to manage it.
Show Discovery
Stagey provides multiple means to help patrons find shows they’d like to see.
Each show can be “tagged” with words that describe some quality of the show. Examples are “funny”, “goofy”, “playful” and the like. A tag cloud is then be crested so patrons can specify their mood when searching for shows
Each show can optionally be added to a “category”. This is helpful for festival producers who want to divide their event into multiple genres such as “Comedy”, “Drama” or “Immersive”.
The entire site is searchable with results organized by event, festival, or season.
For larger events and festivals, users of your site have the ability to “favorite” shows that appeal to them. Favorites are stored in a list available only to that user. If you are using our mobile app, these favorites can be viewed on-the-go.
As an optional feature, Stagey has a robust review system that prompts patrons to share their thoughts about a given show. As a performance ends, an email will be sent asking patrons to submit their reviews through the website.
Reviews can be tagged with words that the patron would use to describe the show. This helps other prospective patrons see if this show fits their mood or taste.
To ensure that valid reviews are front-and-center, some reviews will be marked as “certified” indicating the reviewer purchased a ticket through the website. This separates valid reviews from spam or reviews from an admiring family member hundreds of miles away.
Show administrators have the option of manually certifying reviews if the patrons purchased a ticket at the door of the venue.
© 2022, Stagey, LLC